Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freedom of the Press

Note the way in which Taryn Simon lays down a concise relationship between image and word. The image gives the illusion of a truth, or perhaps is at least a threat to fantasy. But as art it is abstract, open to thousands of interpretations. Her written texts that accompany the images give the viewer a concrete reality from which they understand the images. Like a newspapers relation between story and image.

Her subject gives rise to questions about accepted realities in society. It allows us glimpses behind the curtain of American society into strange chambers that beg for more questions to be asked and answered. This is the role of the Journalist to press for answers to the quetions that should be answered, however uncomfortable they make those asked.

The Freedom of the press to ask questions and search for answers is one of the foundations of democratic society. And it is something that is not ever guarunteed but must be continually maintained.

Take a story from the 25 top censored stories of 2009. Give a summary of the story. Seek more information on the story is it reported by legitimate news agencies? Are there discussions on newsgroups with apparently intelligent participants? Are there voices proving or disputing the story? What are their arguments? Why might this story be censored?

Provide a written report of your findings.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I've Begun Asking

I’m breaking my habit of asking strangers, “What do you do? As if they’re no more than what they do.

I’ve begun asking

“What are your dreams and your dreads?”

“What moves you excites you, alarms you?”

“What drains you or sustains you?”

“What interests or bores you, amuses or grieves you?”

“Where do you go when you’re homesick?”

“Where do you rest when you’re tired?”

“Who are you when you’re alone, and whom do you miss?”

“And who misses you?”

But when were dealing with questions,

Perhaps it’s not really what

Or where,

Or who,

But whose.

Whose are you?

And whose am I?

(Gerhard Frost) Journey of the Heart

Jacob Comp and Esau Tele

The relationship between these two twins is a historical marvel. Watch the following video to gather an understanding of the 60 year struggle between Hairy and Heal Grabber.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Paradigm Shift

What happens to a culture when new technologies enter everyday lives and change the way we participate in that culture?
Television brought the wide world into the homes of almost every North American. Voices from far away talking at you, telling you stories from all over. Stories that in the end created the mythologies of your time. It was so powerful in capturing eye balls that ten years ago, when every one was averaged out, we could say that if you lived an average length of time then you would, on average, have spent SEVEN years of your life watching TV by the time you were through. That was insanity; seven years of willful catatonia, and you can still watch examples of that mania everytime your parents or older siblings hunker down for an evening of turn-on-tune-out.
But a strange thing has happened.
You aren't as interested in that box of lights.
You have a new box of lights to play with.
And the best thing about this one... is you get to talk back.

And that is what is going to make all of the difference now, and forever.
The TV trained us to change with the channels

But the channels suddenly become innumerable

producers = consumers

Welcome to the....?