Welcome to the online Journal tracking the activities of one High School class through a year of study in the field of Media and Culture. It will be a place for myself, the teacher of said class, to share with my students the material presented in the class. It will be a place for that material to be shared with those around us. It will be a place to find out what happened while they had the flu. But it will mainly be an exercise in culture creation, a way to not be mere observers, but rather shifters of culture. This brings me to the title. It may be ill fated to call it so, for I believe that the activities of culture shaping are less defensive and more active by nature. But I desire to see students capable of holding a gaze with culture. Not so as to by lulled to sleep buy it, but rather that they may stare into its heart and understand its power. A power for ill, sometimes yes, but a power of creative human spirits, made in the image of a creative God, to live out a call to create wondrous things. And the combination of all these things, cameras, gardens, usb keys, loaves of bread and dance routines, is nothing more or less than Culture. mr. deGroot September 9, 2009
Minimum Journal contents
- Complete visual decade page - Jan 4
- Conduct Interview by January 12
- Front Page News Q's -Nov 18
- research and prepare for interview. Oct 8
- Research Local News story Oct 5
- CBC Guiding Principles Oct 30
- Censored Stories report Oct.29
- what is this water I am swimming in? Oct 2
- Film Review of "Good night..." Sept 29
- Research who Murrow and McCarthy are. sept 23
- V for Vendetta questions Sept 21
- facebook and the four questions. sept 11
- How are my technologies extensions of myself? sept 9