Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Marketing Research Project

Read this all the way through first.

In Groups of two you will be creating a concept for a marketing campaign. Remember the "be Stupid" campaign well its something like that.

Step 1: What is a marketing campaign?
Well ask an expert. Try and find out what the pros do to make a successful campaign. There are a lot of great resources on the web dig a little and layout the frame work for your campaign. If you are starting to write lists of target markets, and product placements and slogans you are on the right track. If you don't know where to start be stupid and punch "what is a marketing campaign" into Google; its actually quite smart.

Create a list of all of the areas you will need to have covered to have a great marketing campaign.  This means take at least a page, if not two, of notes, all of you!!!

Step 2: What are you selling? Well, I think you're pretty cool people so actually you're selling your idea of cool. That is at least skin deep cool. Your clothing choices, accessories and shoes. It's your clothing line after all.

Step 3: It's not really about clothes is it? no its about so much more. Think about all of the ways, ethical and unethical, that you have ever seen clothes marketed. What kind of a marketer are you? What do you think you need to do to sell your cool?

Create a socially responsible campaign, making a clear statement of targets and slogans. Be catchy and cool.
What is socially responsible? Well we'll cover that in greater detail later. But to start off with, "cover" more than Guess does, and stupidity isn't what its cracked up to be.

Step 4: Your press kit. This whole thing's not going to happen in a day so don't panic. But, a good place to start is to think about what this is all going to look like. Are you looking for the clean and bright of American Eagle or the dirty back staircase of Levis adds? Try and collect images that you are going to copy or at least emulate.

Step 5: Levis puts on rock concerts. What could you do that sells jeans and makes "cool" at the same time?
think of fun ways to market so that people will come out just to see how cool it really is.

I'll See you on Tuesday, have fun stay focused. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Read this all again and start at step one. If you're confused read it again, then ask a neighbor.

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