Friday, September 11, 2009

Extend and Amputate

When considering a new medium McLuhan suggests that the answers to the following questions will predict what kind of a culture it will grow.

1. What does it extend?
2.What does it make obsolete?
3. What is retrieved?
4. What does the Technology reverse if it is over-extended?

consider facebook through the lens of these questions.

To understand what these questions mean read the following article.
Once on the page, hit ctrl and the letter F and enter the subject you want to read about.


  1. 1.I think that media brings wider range of culture to the world because as developing media, the world has been improved a lot. It extends the communication with variety people.
    2. Media makes general news from TV or other basic things to be obsoleted. The letter which is written by each other is disaapeared. We have ability to photoshop nowadays, so we do not have to develop photos. Moreover, face to face communication has been existed fewer.
    3. We have been retrieved relationship and memorizing through using the media.
    4. As the technology is over extended, it changes the environment because it becomes more worth than before due to exploiting a lot of resources of nature. maintain the message

  2. Facebook is become so big in our culture today. People all over the world are signed up on Facebook. We go home and we go on to Facebook. It's the thing to do. Everyone is communicating through Facebook. Instead of going home and calling up your friend or hanging out at your home you chat on Facebook. This is cool in a way. You can share thoughts and photos of yourself. We can catch up with those who we haven't seen or who live far away from us. Facebook is a great way to reconnect. We can revive old friendships and form new relationships with relatives or people you barely new before. In some ways Facebook is a bad thing. We no longer feel the desire to write letters to friends and family. We also don't put in as much effort to spend face to face time with one and another. Facebook is so engaging that we often check our brains at the door. We don't feel the need to think when we're on Facebook. The site is always thinking for us. There are bright colours and advertisments and games, quizzes, posts and pictures. Facebook is a great distraction for now. If it were to die however all of those renewed relationships would probably die. We would have to put in the effort to communicate with our new friends through letters or the phone. Facebook is great but we need to be careful not to get to caught up because it could crash one day and then were would we be?

  3. Facebook is simply an excuse.
    -not showing your true feelings in person
    -knowing people through words and a screen
    -looking at 100s of pictures. (lots of people that you dont even know)
    -and much more

    Sure there are those people that don't abuse facebook. But it's a really low number.
    Facebook is meant to be socializing and interactive. But when we abuse it it is the exacpt opposite.

  4. I think that facebook is becoming a big thing in our culture today. With Facebook we can talk to people now without actualy going and seeing them in person and without talking to them in real life. I Think that soon facebook will make T.V. and news alot less common because people can just check facebook for udates and eventualy will make people not go out and be with their friends because they can just talk to them on facebook.

  5. Facebook is just another reason for us to not go out. With facebook we can have conversations with multiple people at the same time and at the same time we can see there pictures to see what they have been up to. Facebook is just making a new excuse for you to sit at home only getting up to go to thw washroom. With face book we may be able to do a lot more from a distance, but it takes out our ability to actually interact with people in real life.
