Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freedom of the Press

Note the way in which Taryn Simon lays down a concise relationship between image and word. The image gives the illusion of a truth, or perhaps is at least a threat to fantasy. But as art it is abstract, open to thousands of interpretations. Her written texts that accompany the images give the viewer a concrete reality from which they understand the images. Like a newspapers relation between story and image.

Her subject gives rise to questions about accepted realities in society. It allows us glimpses behind the curtain of American society into strange chambers that beg for more questions to be asked and answered. This is the role of the Journalist to press for answers to the quetions that should be answered, however uncomfortable they make those asked.

The Freedom of the press to ask questions and search for answers is one of the foundations of democratic society. And it is something that is not ever guarunteed but must be continually maintained.

Take a story from the 25 top censored stories of 2009. Give a summary of the story. Seek more information on the story is it reported by legitimate news agencies? Are there discussions on newsgroups with apparently intelligent participants? Are there voices proving or disputing the story? What are their arguments? Why might this story be censored?

Provide a written report of your findings.

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